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Simmons Foot and Ankle
  • Simmons Foot & Ankle

1355 Higley Rd, Suite 112

Gilbert, AZ  85296

Pay With Cryptocurrency

Live Exchange Rates

Currency Exchange Calculator

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How to pay your invoice using our cryptocurrency payment tool.

Step 1.  Enter in your invoice amount into the US Dollar (USD) line on the Currency Exchange Calculator above. Default to convert to is Bitcoin, you can change it to Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BTH), or Ethereum (ETH) as these are the only coins supported by Coinbase at this time.

Step 2.  Click on the "Click Here to Pay Now Through Coinbase" button. (This opens a new window)

Step 3. Follow instruction on the new page.  Enter your Name (please ALSO INCLUDE YOUR INVOICE # at the end of your name) and Email address then click Next.

Step 4. Select which cryptocurrency you wish to pay with.

Step 5. Copy the Address and from your wallet send the above calculated amount of coin to the address.

Step 6. Email us at once you have sent the payment. Please include your name, invoice number and the Transaction ID.

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